i have the website up and running online, but i dont wanna give out the address just quite yet cause of a couple things that i still wanna change...just minor stuff though. anyways. i was looking for volunteers that are going to be in the action (a-team people would be best) to write articles for the website after each tournament. they dont have to be long, just little tidbits about how the team did or any exciting matches that happened through out the tournament and was hoping that lizzy and farish would be able to help me with that since you both are on the work and learn and both on the a teams as well. I was going to just ask one person, but i thought it would be better to have one girl and one guy so we can get it from both sides, instead of a guy writing about the girls stuff when he wasnt even there, and visa versa. i was hoping that you two would be able to do them either on the way home from the tournaments or monday at the latest just cause im really big on keeping everything current on the website. if you could do this great, if for some reason you cant, just say something. thank you.
-- Edited by Town at 01:37, 2006-09-13
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
no prob town, considering i'm in a reporting class right now, maybe this $hit i right will be decent. it better be, i'm paying a lot of money to this school to learn how to right. wait.......