1. The pitcher must stand on the little wheelchair ramp do-hickey (Sidewalk in island) 2. Three strikes for an out 3. 10 balls results in a fresh count 4. A team gets three outs an inning 5. Any hit ball that has it’s forward momentum stopped (fielded cleanly or caught) by an opposing player without boofing it in front of or within the grassy knoll is an out 6. Any ball hit on the ground that has its forward progress stopped in any way behind the curb of the island is a single 7. Any fly ball caught before it hits the ground is an out 8. Any ball hit in the air that lands in the back grassy area is a double 9. For females, any flashing while at bat results in an automatic single unless it causes a lead change (AKA “The Shadow Clause”) 10. Any ball hit in the air that makes contact with the dorm at or below the second row of windows (3rd Floor) is a triple 11. Any ball hit in the air that makes contact with the dorm above the the second row or windows (3rd Floor) is a homerun 12. The base runners advance the same amount as the batter 13. All base rules are invalid if actual bases are present, in which case MLB rules are adopted 14. A game consists of 9 innings unless otherwise specified before the start of the game 15. The batter order will double as the pitching order for the duration of the game. All players must bat and pitch 16. The teams must be close in number, if not appropriate measures will be taken to make it even 17. There will be no throwing of the bat in frustration on the asphalt. Doing so will result in an out. J Lowe paid good money for the equipment
Rules written on Sept. 7, 2005 by Jerry Sparkman. Amended on Sept. 12, 2006 by J Lowe.
sounds like crap to me...all wiffle games should be played in hall ways during random room checks by RA's
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"