as some people have already noticed cause i have contacted them. i am passing around bio sheets. PLEASE FILL THEM OUT ASAP. if you havent seen one yet, just tell me or im me. me300yeahright is my aim. i wanna get them up loaded for the roster page so i can get the website up as soon as possible, the bio sheets is pretty much all im waiting for.
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
you already know cause ur here at my room jlowe, but i dont have a scanner, so if anyoen can. PLEASE contact me some how so you can fill one out. i want it for the website. the website is already done. except that, and some few additional ideas that jlowe and i had.
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
well i will carry some around tomorrow when i go to class and stuff so just holler at me if you see me and make me give you one. the rule is u have to fill it out instantely and give it right back. none of this ill give it to you later stuff...cause then i wont get it and i would have to make more copies
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"