i just checked the thread i posted regarding my cellphone & i did in fact leave a number. (see below) i can not be held responsible for the content which you do not intake into your mind. i am not trained to do such. nor will i try. Have Halwe give you a (brown)EYE exam. hugs & kisses.
F0RUM JESuS wrote: I got a cellphone.... I know Shadow has a cellphone, but some might mistake it as a brick... so that doesnt count.
My number is: 570-815-6238
Yay for boring as hell full time jobs & the money they give me to afford non-needed tumor causers. ::does a cartwheel... never leaves the ground::
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert