first, I bought a domain after months of kicking the idea around. I found a great on ..$35 a yr web hosting + free domain registration & all the extra goodies. So I will have a site up in the coming weeks... whats going to be on? You know what, I have no effing idea... I don't know what direction I'm going to take with it. I always to dabble into a horror based website... but I also want my own personal/profession portfolio/etc type of site. So I have some ideas, just don't know exactly what I want to do yet though. The website url will be: ...bookmark it now if you want. if not, i'm sure I'll droppin in to relay progress.
Secondly.. I have a new email address... It's more professional & I've been including it in all my resumes... so if you guys want to add it, it's
Third... to all you racing fans (Shadow, Farish, whoever else.. maybe Hoop... whoever else wants to play?) I want to possibly start an online racing league & have been kicking the idea around with some other ppl on a couple racing game message boards. I've been getting myself back into racing as of late (been to the races twice in 2 weeks, thats more than the last 10 years combined.. I realized I missed it a lot. Especially after walking around the old stampin grounds my dad used to race at which shut down in 2004. I almost started to cry. Lizzy & I looted the place while she was in lol... i'll have pictures up eventually) Anyway for the league You will need a copy of Dirt Track Racing 2... there are copies available on for a freaking penny! Click here to look. If anyone is interested, I'll give more details. But for now, thats all you need to know.
I've been applying to jobs everywhere... havent gotten one yet. I applied to 3 pretty large companies thus far... 1 being a casino, another is a division of Universal Pictures & MGM Studios located near my house, & the third being the ever famous childrens magazine, Highlights (not sure you guys out in the MO get that)
well thats about it, sry for the lengthy post... but just givin a perspective of where i am. hope everyone is doin well & that your summer is goin good.
-- Edited by F0RUM JESuS at 18:51, 2006-07-22
-- Edited by F0RUM JESuS at 18:52, 2006-07-22
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert
yeah my dad raced in the 70s, 80s, 90s... he quit in 93. He ran 358 small block modifieds for the most part.. dirt track, obviously. He was a regular at Moc-a-tek Speedway (R.I.P.) on Saturdays, Penn-Cann Speedway (Great Bend, NY) on Fridays (which is still goin strong) & a couple times a year he would race at Five Mile Point Speedway also in NY.. which is still open & is a DIRT Series licensed track. He raced at a few other (Big Diamond, Rolling Wheels, Fonda, Nazereth (before it became a paved Nascar track), & Brewerton to name a few... but those were only once or twice & were generally for special large purse races) All those tracks are still goin... I'm sure Lynn & Scrivens knows a couple of those seeing they are all in NY cept for Nazereth.
Type of car my dad raced, for those who are not racing junkies
when you get used to the game, let me know. I can show you a couple modifications you can do to with it... like creating your cars & that kinda stuff.
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert
I put in an application online at around 2:30am & this morning at 11am on the dot, I had a phone call asking me to come in for an interview at 3:30. The interview went well, I have to do a couple more things before I get hired & they also want to do a second interview with me next week, so thats a good sign. Whats the job you ask? Eh well it's not the greatest job, but the benefits are good & the pay isnt too bad, I get tuition reimbursment, commission + bonus incentives. Oh yeah the job... I'd be working for Sprint/Nextel. I'd really like the job at Deluxe Digital but they ain't callin... bastards.
Secondly, I'm launching my own business "MECHANICAL SUNRISE - INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC DESIGN". I'll be doing custom banners, logos & buttons for webpages, businesses, & other interested parties. So my website, will be up & running in the coming days. So pass the word along to anyone you may think would be interested. I plan to keep my prices very cheap for the first couple months (A banner package on the internet right now can cost up to $200 & thats not counting anything custom or anything with bells & whistles)
Also anyone wanting to get their own website, If you go through my referral plan, I can collect commission. At ...I can get you a website for $2.99 a month. So keep that in mind if anyone is thinking about it.
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert