mushtare had ESPN following him around the whole week. they are doing an "Outside the Lines" show about him. looks bad when ESPN follows u around, and u dont make cut. i saw him bowl (good call on myspace shadow) and he didn't look as bad as he did on the video online, but, i still call shenanigans on the whole deal
Yeah the Black Widow looks sexy. So does the Pain. I just got another new ball, a Rush... yeah I know... 2 newer balls. Ppl are gonna think I bowl or somethin.
A Rush, huh? Did it come with it's own Oxycontin and someone else's Viagra?
to farish...good bowling and all that yadda yadda yadda...
on to the important news...i came across a post on ballreviews that is from steven black stating that you told him that you didnt even want to make the team...true? did you tell this guy that you didnt want to make the team?? well the link is http:// ....i dont like steven at all so i was going to say something but i thought it better for you to handle it since it was your name he is throwing around.
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
considering the ******* ran out on his team at Nationals this year, he can screw one of shadows bloody sheep. no, i did not say that, nor did i EVER say a word to him. but i dont have to explain it to yall. i think everybody on this forum knows me well enough to know that i wouldn't come out and say something like that. thanxs for letting me know ryan, i owe ya one
Ah the controversy. Those crazy girlz and guyz at USBC, they always make it fun. I still don't understand why the went from 2 at large picks to 3? Maybe next year they can have 7 picks and only the winner is an automatic. The year after that they can just pick all 8, why bowl at all?
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."