They said they want to help coach in our program. They both have real schedule conflicts, so you may not see them much, but I hope they can hang around some of the practices. I will talk to Pete and see what dates he can attend practice in advance. Look for one manditory practice for the guys, like the Girls have. That way I can have everyone there at one time which will enable it easier for Pete to schedule.
I promised Eddie last year that he could coach, but I didn't realize he wanted to travel with the team to some stops. Expect to see him on a couple of trips this year.
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."
I know I wasn't and still am not the best bowler around, Coach....but if you need help on some trips let me know a while in advance and I will try to work it out where I can go if you would be all right with that.
well alrighty then...its always nice to get some extra help...especially when u throw the ball like a fruit cake like me...SOMEONE HELP ME PRONTO!!!!!
p.s. thats awesome that eddie is going to travel too...more reasons to be excited about next season...and being eligble for it!!!
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
thats exactly what danny said about you last night @ Brunswick-deathy-carry-multiple-headpins-forward-but-not-pocket-shots-&-omg-st.charles-lefty-gods-now-arent-god-MWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA league. (btw, and actual match from 2 weeks ago on pair next to me: 99-85) or lol^3
hanke wrote: have i been fired? thats exactly what danny said about you last night @ Brunswick-deathy-carry-multiple-headpins-forward-but-not-pocket-shots-&-omg-st.charles-lefty-gods-now-arent-god-MWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA league. (btw, and actual match from 2 weeks ago on pair next to me: 99-85) or lol^3 less always have an excuse to not go-ey.
sorry shads, i have a wife and a job, two things that are not holding your time back at all!!!