FYI, the photog at Nationals has a website where you can see his pictures. He has a lot of great pixs of the TV show. The password is "strike". He wants you to buy them, of course, but you can you skim through all of them.
Correct way to say things is not that which you don't understand; rather it is a combonation of things that cannot be described in a fashion that commonly translates "Lizzy" into a more "liXXy" form that could possibly be rounded at the corners were it not for the plasticity surrounded the entire complex that is dropped from the skies overlooking the shoes of destiny which are used to run in the sands of despair only after completing the spirit quest requested by the elders of the Nancy Drew 4 President society who meets annually after they finish the homework the never started which is exactly as I am doing but not exactly doing at this exact moment in time when my fingers start to ache but only 1/709 as much as my brain is from attempting to turn it off completely and let my beard think for me.