Funness all around A pre-formal good bye to Chase, Jes, Hoop, Witt, Shadow, Marc??, Collins??, Sparky, I don't think there's anyone else..If there is I'm oo-bear sorry..Unless you suck..then you can just die and stuff
Good times are saying goodbye to these times which we will never have again in our lives..... College the most important years to grow/ find ourselves whatever it may a chemistry major I believe in the scientific evolution....evolving and adapting to our surroundings to our situations only makes us grow stronger..... through these years of school here at lindenwood I have been through a lot.. I must say I will never forget these times and all the happiness that has come from here. Finding out what people are really about... winning the national championship having the best year in collegic bowling I've ever had..One thing I must say I did it on my own without what I thought I needed the support from you after all these years and I don't need your approval or your congratulations now (you know who you are) I did it without you. I will never forget the friends I've made.. who showed up who was there when I was sad/mad/happy, those who suprised me in who they are and gave a **** about what I had to say, no matter what those are my true friends.. even the ones I told to F off after a long night of drinking and were still there the next day... the ones I hurt trying to deal with my own troubles .. who came back and were still be there for me... In these next 2 weeks before I leave I hope to spend time with all of them the ones who knew me for why I came here initally and the ones who've come to know me for myself when all was done...If I don't get to do it... Thanks to those who helped me.. in all aspects I'm sure that one day somewhere along the line I'll look up from what I'm doing in a lab somewhere .... raise my googles and say I wish I was back there... with all of you who made me feel like part of the family..... I couldn't ask for much more
Halwe I loved your stories spending numerous hours in the shop listening to everything and having you help me deal with everything....
And to Randy and Phil maybe you were right.. all we had to do is drink together to fix things.. you know what I'm talking about ... we won nationals with the best team ever....
This maybe an early goodbye but I wanted to write this..
i know i only met you this year, and we didnt even really talk that much till later in the year, but im glad i did get to know you as much as i did and i wish you luck in all other aspects of wont need it in bowling but just in case...GOOD LUCK. hopefully you come back to this exciting place to visit us. later later
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
Well I am not gone yet. One more semester to go for me. But thank you for the kind words everyone. This week I will put my goodbye to everyone leaving I need time to figure out what all I want to say LOL
I just want to say congrats to all that are graduating and good luck for whatever isto come for yall.....if you want to visit us at some point, make it the leatherneck tournament cuz that is just a classic. peace yall
...The pressures on but guess who ain't gon crack, haha, pardon me I had to laugh at that...
Consider me there for the leatherneck barring any major job implications. Seeing as im Graduating after the summer class I take is over I will need to find a JOB.... oh nooooooo. Time to join the real world. But how can i miss the leatherneck? Council needs somebody to hug and express his love to. damn clown. haha. I will miss you boys and girls....well a few of you at least you know who you are, if you dont I probably didnt get along with you or never talked to you anyway so it wont bother me.
and to randall heavy hand lightfoot I appreciate everthing that you did for me by giving me a job and all my first year down hear thanks brother. P.s if the cards ever play the sox in the series call me up we can put a little wager on it.