We will be taking a total of three vans to Omaha...two passenger vans and one cargo van.
Halwe wants to leave with the guys in the late morning. Stay tuned for more information on that. At this point, the cargo van and 2nd passenger van will be leaving St. Louis around 230pm. Jes will be driving the cargo van with one passenger and the rest of the girls, plus me will be in the passenger van, unless someone wants to catch the guys van earlier in the day. (limited space and availability) Here is the hotel and bowling center info:
Baymont Inn & Suites
10760 M St.
Omaha, NE 68127
Mockingbird Lanes
4870 S. 96th St
Omaha, NE 68127
Randy has told me that practice is at 1115am on Saturday for 6 team games
4 team games on Sunday with a 9am start time (or something like that).
Stay tuned for additional departure and van updates!
I'm not sure when I'm going to get out of lab as well... it's schedualed till 3 but she plans on lecture and an actual lab so I might not get there till later then 2:30...
Okay, folks...I'm planning on leaving at 11am Friday (unlike others, I'm usually not late.)
Here's the group going w/me as far as I know: E, Dre, Scrivy, Shadow, Chase, Delaina, Melanie Canuck, Lisa. (Wick, you get the other girls all to yourself) The plan: Randy will have the cargo van there to load our bowling equipment for Jes Les to haul up later. Suitcases and personal belongings go in the van w/ us. We, the intrepid early-birds, shall blaze the trail for those whose schedules do not allow them to share the glory of being the first to conquer the wilds of Nebraska! There will be a stop in Rocheport (just west of Columbia) for those who need to use the facilities (like your driver.) There will be a stop in Kansas City near the airport for lunch. There will be a stop in Northwestern Missouri to replenish the fuel in the van. There will be a stop at the Casino in Council Bluffs...scratch that. We shall arrive at the Baymont in Omaha at approximately 6pm where, after checking into our rooms and going out for a nutritious dinner of dead cow , we shall anxiously await the arrival of the rest of the team...
Oh, and Dre turns 21 Saturday...someone volunteer to bake him a cake.
Jes...we will patiently await your arrival and depart with much promptness thereafter...
So...based on my calculations, that leaves me with Jes, Kristen, Emily, Cat, Danielle, Melissa, Lauren and Wick... We'll have plenty of room for sure!
As for our travel itinerary...I'm going to drive down I-70 until I either get a cell phone call or someone yells from the back of the van, although I'd like to at least make it to Wentzville before our first stop...The only planned stops will be at the Elvis road-side museum in Central Missouri and the Missouri-Nebraska border for photo ops, ohhh...and we'll take a small detour in KC to cross into Kansas so we can face all those Wichita trip flashbacks head-on. As for arrival time in beautiful and historic Omaha...some time prior to Saturday.
Are you sure you've been there before? About the only historic things in Omaha are the dried cow patties in the streets...I swear I saw the same ones three years in a row. Omaha is beautiful...if you like cattle and sheep (which is why Scrivy and Shadow are looking forward to going; reminds them of home.) I just want to see if Fred's grafitti is still in the men's room at Mockingbird...ugh.
Please explain the mess in the bathroom at mockingbird. I made one trip there back in 2001 and all i remember is jack sitting down in the elevator because it was a long trip from the first floor to the second floor. Oh yea one last thing i remember is me sharing a room with Matt Smith and him getting it on with the girl from St. Cloud as well as me putting up a camera in the room for everyones veiwing pleasures. Oh yea after it not working out me sharing a room with Matt I then moved to share a room with Paul Lancia. Now that sucked he snored so loud i still have bad dreams how kim put up with him i can not understand. But mike please explain to me what happen in the bathroom at mockingbird. Thanks
I'm going to make a request right now & ask for during the ride home on Sunday, could the radio be kindly turned to a channel airing the superbowl & if we stop for eats... could we please stop at a sports bar type place or an applebees/fridays/damons?? that would be amazing. or if someone could beg the tournament officials to bump it to a 5am start time.. that would work as well. (
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert