I've been checking the forum a couple times a day like a little bitch I have certain expectations that are just not being met All of you hosers need to more bluntly and flattly unusualler If you won't do it for me, do it for the "Man Pretty" He thanks you Return Return Semicolon Hyphen Hyphen TabkeyX7 Num Lock Burrito
J-Lowe... Don't ever bring the fruit of your loins around me.
J/K... healthy-lookin kid. Perhaps I will one day take him shoe shopping and to to the park to pick up chicks. Just throwin it out there. Ask the Misses.
-- Edited by TheBigSnatch at 20:14, 2005-11-01
"Changing bowling balls is like peeing your pants in the cold. The warm feeling you have at first will eventually be overcome with an even chillier stink."