n00b = newbie or just simply a new person n00b is part of the LEET (or 1337 or l33t) language which is a form of internet wording. pretty much... replacing letters with numbers.
heres a sample directory for those who even remotely interested... these are just the most commonly used & known:
n00b(s) = newbie/new
pwn, pwnt, 0wn, 0wn3d = own (like if you make a really good mama joke towards a person & someone else says "oh man, you just got pwnt!" ...well "pwnt" means "owned")
thx = thanks dwep or dw3p = dweb/loser w00t or w007 = hoot d00d or d00der or d00d3r = dude sux0r or 5ux0r = sucks 14m3r or l4m3r = lamer
other grammatical issues in leet: "-0r" can be used in place of -ed or -er, for example... if its something that really makes you laugh, its ok to say ....lolz0rs!! which simply means you laughing hardcore.
"-0r" can be pretty much tagged onto anything... it doesnt need to make sense.
As a general rule, in l33t, rather than use 's' to make something plural, a 'z' is used instead. Also 'f' is normally changed to 'ph'. The short 'u' is often changed to '00', as well.
Exclamation marks are used quite a bit (and usually quite a number at once) & its safe to throw the number one (1) into the mix (ex- u g07 pwnt!!!!!111!!!1 = you got owned!.)
This is mostly because l33t is most commonly used in expressions of pleasure. Commas are generally left out in hard and ultra 1337, and are uncommon in medium 1337.
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert
I hate internet slangs, other than "brb" which makes sense 'cause you're in a hurry.
I was watching the football game with my friend the other day. He was talking to his friend and typed "lol" after his friend made a joke. And guess what? He was NOT laughing out loud.
By the way "Cat".. I'm suing you for rights to the name. My lawyers will be in contact with you shortly.
-- Edited by TheBigSnatch at 13:49, 2005-10-21
"Changing bowling balls is like peeing your pants in the cold. The warm feeling you have at first will eventually be overcome with an even chillier stink."