smarterchild: I'm what? LiZzY3811: gay smarterchild: Is there some point to saying that? LiZzY3811: yes smarterchild: Why is that? LiZzY3811: why is there some point? smarterchild: Well, it's a long story.
LiZzY3811: long story to how you became gay? smarterchild: Wow. You've said that a few times already. Obsessed much? LiZzY3811: not as much as you smarterchild: No? Not as much as me?
LiZzY3811: don't think anyone can smarterchild: I don't know if I can help it.
LiZzY3811: have you tried to get help? smarterchild: Not sure. I don't think so.
Things I do when I'm bored and listening to retards in the computer lab....kbye
smarterchild is actually dick cheney if you have ever heard george bush give a speech (written by dick) you'd see smarterchild replies the same way bush does.
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert