If you get the chance, come by Lucky Strike Lanes at the Mills......if for no other reason than to eat.....the food is amazing. If you are under 21, come before 9 p.m. and there is a dress code (don't ask me, I just work there).
You work there??? Okay, what was/is this strange goo that appeared all over one of my customer's balls? It was black, sticky, and took about 15-20 minutes for me to get off the ball.
Yes I work there. It'll be rare you ever see me though since they stuck me behind the pinsetters....I guess they wanted to keep the ugly guys out of sight
don't fall asleep on the pin deck....i might have to drive the 16-17 hours (you'd still be konked out wheni got there and you know it) in order to request that lane...hehe
quote: Originally posted by: Hoop "If you get the chance, come by Lucky Strike Lanes at the Mills......if for no other reason than to eat.....the food is amazing. If you are under 21, come before 9 p.m. and there is a dress code (don't ask me, I just work there)."
Well thats the thing...it got bought out by the porn industry of america...there are cameras on every ball return and masking unit as well as inside the scoring consoles and all over the concorse area....and the dress code is that you must enter wearing nothing.
let me think if i can remember it.....there is a big sign posted outside. it goes something like this though....
no sweatpants, no exposed intimate apparel, no athletic jerseys, ummmm there are other things too i forget them all but those are the biggest reasons people aren't allowed in.
i think that eventually though that is going to be cut back on otherwise the place won't get enough business to stay open.
Yeah I think that is allowable Chase......they would get a lot more business if they loosened up on some of it though....a security guard at the mall said he watches the door hosts turn away around half the people who want in. I doubt the place will stay in business for long the way its going.
I stopped by there today, just to see if you were working, hoop. THat place is realy upscale. Nice looking. Kinda snuck in cause there was no one on the door. Had shorts on and a golf shirt. DOn't know if that is kosher, but that was a long list of what you can't wear. Why don't they just say "if you are a teen and black you have to stay out?"