first of all, great job on the site bryan! why didn't you have anything nifty like this when i was around?!?! i appreciate the subway picture tho, brings back many fond memories fyi, i don't think i've gone to subway since i left lu.
anyway, just wanted to wish all you lions and lady lions the best of luck at nationals. y'all better kick some ass!!
take care all,
jen ipper (1/3 of the infamous cold cut trio harharhar)
quote: Originally posted by: schnookems "hi folks, first of all, great job on the site bryan! why didn't you have anything nifty like this when i was around?!?! i appreciate the subway picture tho, brings back many fond memories fyi, i don't think i've gone to subway since i left lu. anyway, just wanted to wish all you lions and lady lions the best of luck at nationals. y'all better kick some ass!! take care all, jen ipper (1/3 of the infamous cold cut trio harharhar)"
Can you believe Jen's last name (Ip) was spelled incorrectly on the score sheet at my first ever college bowling tourney?
"Changing bowling balls is like peeing your pants in the cold. The warm feeling you have at first will eventually be overcome with an even chillier stink."
I remember Jennifer Tp...what surprised me was the tournament directors always got Kuhlenschmidt right, but would misspell Kori...maybe it was my handwriting!
Hope things are going well, Jen...ya think we'll have hockey back next year?