Do any of my fellow LU students know if American Lit or American Gov is offered in the Spring terms? turns out I'll be taking more than 12 credits next semester because Lindenwood shocked me and is offering everything that I need in one term.
But heres the thing.......If i want to graduate by december, I can if I take a full 18 credits.
Do I want to take 18 credits so I can get the hell outta here in December?
Or do I want to only take 15 credits in the fall if American lit or American Gov are offered in the Spring...then take one of those classes and 2 or 3 other classes for a 2nd emphasis?
regardless, I still won't be bowling. I do have a year of eligibility left, but I think it's best I call my huge success of a college bowling career a day. It's been fun, but it's time for me to stop ****ing around get my ass in gear.
I'd still love to help out, coach the F team, drive, do the website, whatever. Just think its best I hang up my college bowling shoes and hit the books........after we win this years nationals of course.
So if anyone has any insight, that would be amazing. Thank You, Chase Forum Jesus
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert