I don't have a clue what you are trying to prove. Wow. You can come on here and bash the team and give us all a rash of sh*t without leaving your name in black and white. Very impressive. I don't know what kind of grudge you hold against the team or any individuals on it. It's pretty lame, though. I hope that you aren't who I think you might be. If so, i'll be sorely disappointed. I would be disappointed in myself for misjudging you because I would have thought that the individuals I'm thinking of would be above this kind of crap. There really isn't any more point for me to go on. So I will stop now and wait to read my teammates' replies to this.
quote: Originally posted by: buckeighty5 "just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas and to spread tidings of comfort and joy - here are my favorite xmas songs in no particular order 1) tis the season to whiff the head pin twice in one frame 2) i saw mommy kissing santa claus (and then i told randy because that shouldnt be happening on the road) 3) deck the walls 4) I'll be home for sectionals 5) we three subs probably my favorite would be its beginning to look a lot like FORMULA "
How is this so bad? Let me break this post down
1)tis the season to whiff the head pin twice in one frame (playing lowball helps your spare game)
2)i saw mommy kissing santa claus (and then i told randy because that shouldnt be happening on the road) --Well, it shouldnt be happening
3) deck the walls (yes, many shots are)
4) I'll be home for sectionals (perhaps a sectional is in St. Louis this year?)
5) we three subs (referring to carrying 8 bowlers on a single team = 3 subs)
Im sure it offeneded someone though for who knows what reason.