quote: Originally posted by: Forum Jesus "jlowe.....you used the clappy smile....when you return you shall recieve the rollerblade wheel bouncy beatdown"
Not that we need him for match games, can't it wait untill after the tourney!?
quote: Originally posted by: Forum Jesus "jlowe.....you used the clappy smile....when you return you shall recieve the rollerblade wheel bouncy beatdown"
I before e except after c...what, is the team taking spelling lessons from hanke, along with spare shooting lessons?
quote: Originally posted by: Tower "Whu kers aboot korekt speling if ewe kan undrstend it tis all gud. -- Edited by Tower at 22:24, 2004-11-21"
Taht is ture...did you konw taht to udnretsnad waht smooene is wirintg, you olny need to heve the frist and lsat lteter of ecah wrod in palce? Wreid huh.