Hey guys, I realize its only 8:30 PM on Sunday, and I know our teams aren't back yet, but I figured that since I posted the first thread that was Atlanta, I should post the second also, so yeah...
How'd our teams do this weekend?
How were we in individuals?
Any other random stuff that highlighted the weekend?
lol....well.....where to start? All started with E attempting to use his 4-wheel drive and got stuck...then the long trip....small ass beds at the hotel.....sitting through the boring presentation, but had good food.....people jumping in the cold ass outside pool.....J-lowe filming all the way....Reid showing his ass......numerous times....and Shadow body slammed on a box spring....yah....box....spring......White Chicks being an aweful movie, but watched it anyways....for finishing girls got 6th and guys got 9th. I don't know about individuals. All in all I had a good time...could have done without a mental picture of Reid's ass though. hahaha.