Tonight (Friday the 29th) Some girls are going to a Haunted House in St. Louis. Right now it looks like me, Kristen, Jonica, Jess, and Suzy. Dunno how much it will be. Contact one of us if you are interested in going......On a side note I don't want to go but they are making
That would be a great team trip!!!!!!! I can see Dog as eddie and maybe Phill as Frank!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe foot as janet?)(jk). I have not the bod for Brad so i guess riff raff for me!
I seem to have given this wayyyyyy too much thought!
I have chainsaws and pitchforks. (and can make toast)
I could also slip a hazardous chemical into next years crop seeds.....which when grown & harvested will evevtually be eaten by all of you....and then the chemical will make you give birth to litters of baby anacondas.....and then they will eat you.
WOW, I get scared really easily and hate scary ****.....and that Haunted House did not scare me one bit. Only time I jumped was when I came out and a guy was behind the door and I didn't think there would be one there....didn't even scare me just didn't expect it. But don't waste your money on seeing "The best haunted house in America" as they advertise, because it is not ****ing scary at all. The name of the Crappy house is The Darkness.