quote: Originally posted by: mmmmm peanutbutter "in the spirit of delving into the deeply hidden meaning of our screennames, (mine is obvious), what the hell does panek(ic)'s mean? hfawbfouiyvabhr"
Okay, in response to Shadow's comment about my screen name: "what the hell does Panek(ic)'s mean" i'm making this a contest. Whoever can post first, the real meaning of my screen name, will get a cookie.
My screen name, to refresh your memories is elRsknY.
...and yes, it does have meaning... ...and no, it shouldn't be impossible to figure out.
elRsknY is YnksRle backwards, which is Yanks Rule without a few vowels, because yes, I am a New York Yankee fan, and probably the only one on the team.
You're probably right about that, however, at this point, I'm thrilled that atlanta got nocked out cuz i can't stand them, I'm even more thrilled that the mets weren't even close, and i'm just waiting on boston to go home for the season. I love the yankees, but i dispise those three teams even more.
A cards/yanks world series would be interesting, because i have to admit the cards have a good team...and i'd be really happy for the yanks to go and win a 27th world series...but honestly, i have nothing against the cards...here's my stand point as of right now:
If the red sox by some chance elliminate the yankees...it'll be a free world series to the astros or the cards because the sox are cursed...they're not aloud to win.
If the yankees get there and loose to either the astros or the cards, that's okay...it's okay to let someone else win once in a while. ( *cough* the 80's *cough* )
If the yankees go all the way, then that's just that much better.