I have to take a poll for my Journalism class, and I was hoping I could get some help here. Just answer the following questions, doesn't have to be long, one or two sentences will be fine. Thanks in advance for your help: What location would you be most likely to pick up a free student newspaper? What kind of stories would you like to see? Do you have any concerns about LU that you'd like to see in the newspaper? If so, what? Do you think the newspaper should focus only on the good news of LU, or include bad news as well?
1. most likely around a school that has one 2. naughty co-eds 3. lol 4. newspapers are supposed to be fair and balanced. They, like all other media outlets are anything but that, and knowing LU as we all do, this question doesn't really matter what we answer because it would be editorialized to fit the nazis views anyway. fox news, the god awful post dispatch....meet your maker....THE SPELLMAN TIMES!!!!!!!!1
What location would you be most likely to pick up a free student newspaper? - Grab 'N Go & Cafeteria
What kind of stories would you like to see? - Sports artices (Local professional and LU teams) - Editorials about random on campus bs - pr0n - Q&A ; Students write in questions and whoever the president is at the time anwers them - Pictures (not stories) of daily activity from around campus & Pictures from the campus activities that nobody goes to
Do you have any concerns about LU that you'd like to see in the newspaper? If so, what? - list too long
Do you think the newspaper should focus only on the good news of LU, or include bad news as well? - Both...Majority of good news otherwise you won't have any readers
Odds are there won't be any readers anyway.........just sayin'