Could you too maybe hook up a listing of everyone's average differential as they become updated?
I used to be able to just go like 2 doors down and make Shadow show me... Those days are gone like the tightness of Dole's butthole when his Kindergarten teacher, Ron Jeremy's son, Mo Kahk, gave Dole a butterscotch candy in exchange for anal sex... Interesting twist to the story, Dole admitted that he would have done it for a peppermint, too.
Yeah, please put stats (average differential) on the website, please
ive been told from the man across the room from me that they will be on my desk tomorrow...since i am on an updating splurge, i will throw those on there too...not sure where on the site yet...but will do for sure
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
Nobody has sent Jason Waack (LU's webmaster) the articles or standings from this year.
Thus, the bowling page is completely empty.
Coucilordoftherings, if you could email him Farish's and Lizzy's (LIZZY WRITE SOME ARTICLES!!!!!) articles and a brief synopsis of our finishings at all of our tournaments that'd be pimp.
I'm going to give him a disc of all my pictures for the year.
I'm not saying just CouciLiteBrite has do this...any bloody on of you could mail him an article or update him on our status