im tryin to organize a roadtrip but I already have a lot of weekends booked up.
One weekend which I'm really looking foward too... I'm gonna rent out a cabin up in Maine for a weekend getaway sometime close to Christmas. So I'm finally going to get to see Maine... I have a weird obsession with wanting to visit there.... in the winter nonetheless.... should be freaking cold & deserted... but hopefully beautiful.
I also tried getting tickets for the American-Oriental Express (you know, the train)... but did you know they are $1,200 a piece???? So funk dat. And thats just for a regular seating car.
Oct 13,14,15 I'll be in Eerie, PA for a movie festival... finally getting to meet George Romero.
I am going to NY October 30th for "EVIL DEAD: The Musical" ...hell yes!!
Mid November is the pba regional
And then in December, the getaway deal.
So I will try to come out eventually. I just have a lot on my plate currently. I also work 5 days a week. WORD.
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert
in keeping with the trend of only those who aren't going posting....i'm not going. that drive sucks and i'm working....(GASP). i will still bet $20 to anyone going that it hooks a **** ton.
in process of getting dayton/beavercreek/someplacethatsoundedillinoisish/anothersucky drive cleared.
its been on the front page of the website for a couple days now...just letting yall know. keep ur eyes open for updates on the website.
jlowe....yo necesito ur computer cord whenever so i can get pictures on my computer
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"