ok, as some of you know & love to make fun of, in Troy, we have an old wooden bridge built over 100 years ago, but is still open to vehicle traffic. There are huge 4 ton weight limit signs posted all around it. It is located in a heavily wooded section of Cuiver River state park, the road is 1 lane chip & seal finish....meaning it aint much of a road.
Last night, a full size loaded 53 foot U.S. Mail tractor trailer decided to drive across it. As if this isn't stupid enough, from the direction it was going, immediately after getting off the bridge, the road makes a 90 degree left turn uphill with a rock bluff on the right & the ~ 40 foot drop to the river on the left. So naturally, dumbass can't make the turn and decides to back up. That is when the bridge collapsed. The driver is fine as the cab is mostly on the bank, the trailer is half in half out of the water being sort of supported by whats left of the bridge (river isnt that deep & we havent had rain in like 8 months either) they get him out & cut a hole in front of trailer to salvage what mail they could.
random thoughts: this is a STATE PARK. a good 5 prolly more miles from the nearest road, which is also a twisty 2 lane one. its at least 10 miles from the nearest road a semi would be found on.
this happened around 1 a.m. on a fri. night.
the post office here isn't even big enough that full size trucks deliver here.
stupid Troy way of thinking: 2 fellow sightseekers were there, one turns to his buddy & says in that accent we hayseeds all have "Ah reckon muh truck cuhd pull't out, wunner'f thell lemme try." he had a diesel dodge pickup. i lol'ed. they're gonna need a couple semi wreckers with bigger winches than i know exist...and they ain't gonna fit on the road from the side it'll have to be brought up from.
btw, i have some pics but they are not transfered from camera to cpmputer at this time.