Any idea on the state checks? Are they mailing them to you or will they mail mine direct to me? I know last year they all went to you so I was wondering. Just drop a message on here when/if they come to you so I know to come up there. Thanks!
BTW I went to church today. All the girls are supposed to and I finally went today. Figured I would just incase Damien comes on Tuesday. Doubt anything will happen on 'The Day of the Beast' but whatev. I think I will get a devil costume and run around town that night tho after I watch The Omen remake.
las zapatas Shads....i guess ordering in Spanish wouldn't be too bad on me after taking Spanish for ummmm 10 years? as long as they didn't speak 900 mph like most hispanics
Oops :izzy's right its zapatos.....zapatas are female shoes i guess who knwos
i took espanol too, but the troy method of teaching it, which involved spitoons & long extra drawn out yeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp's (noises ive coincidentally never heard a spanish speaking person make) probably lead to me missing out on a lot of vocab.
haha not unless you want to get kidnapped/murdered/robbed/sold on the black market/have sex with a diseased prostitute...... I don't think there is a gender change in the type of shoes one weres. Just los zapatos.... zapatos de tenis....**** like that.
Beware of pick pocketing little children trying to sell you random crap. They look to your front pockets of anything they can yank off you.
Checks are here! Either PM me your address or drop your buns by the shop...
kewl...what be your summer saturday hours? not making expectations, but tis a possibility.
farish, wear lots of unconcealed shiny things, and be especially sure to drink all the water you can cause it will help with the being sold as a prostitute thing
i have a church right across the street from my house that will help you all with your spanish. heck... if you just knock on any door a block down from me, i'm sure anyone will help you for $1.99 an hour.
I live in the hood... well... I'll put it this way... you know how McDonalds has a $1 menu for cheaper food thats usually of smaller quantity and somewhat cheaper in actual materials used(think using pigeons instead of beef) well... If South Scranton was to be put on the menu some place... it would be on the $1 Menu. It's not exactly "da hood"... but it tries to be. We dont even have black people anymore cause the Mexicans are chasing them out. ::sigh:: ....such posers
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert