Why does this team never get anything beside scruntiny?????
Lindenwood has a bowling team? They give out scholarship for that? How do you make the ball curve like that? I bowled a 100 once! It's not a sport after all.
The ignorance at this school is amazing. Went to buy a bowling T-shirt at the bookstore the other day. Finally broke down and wanted to get one. Didn't have any. I could have bought a water polo shirt though.
It is not good enough that this program has won 2 national titles, several trophies, and brought back a substancial amount of money in the short time it has been here. Of course we don't get the recognition for it. No free team gear, equipment, or public displays such as banners.
Not only has our sport not been good enough for the "high and mighties" but now our website. What's the point in even trying?? I'm sure all I'm going to hear is "This is not an open forum for discussion".....most of you know where that is coming from.
for all you guys that dont know...this website is now officially restricted from the LU network (computer Lab, Library, and Class Rooms).
tough break ni**a, theres always fubu.
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
Wow this is ridiculous. I think I am going to have a talk with someone (not sure who) about this. I'm tired of seeing our program get treated like the bad little stepchild.
Since I was asked not to mention anyone individually, I pose these questions to anyone who has the authority to answer:
Why has this site been blocked/banned/restricted from being accessed on campus computers? As I'm sure you're aware there are much worse websites that can easily be viewed through them
Secondly, what needs to be done that would regain our site the privalege of being able to be viewed on a campus computer? I was under the impression that we (the site) had complied with all the necessary changes that needed to be made..Is that inaccurate?
I encourage you to register on our unofficial forum and post your reply I'm sure our webmaster will be more than happy to apporove your account
This post is not intended to be mean, hateful, or even critical of anything or anyone I'm just a student looking for answers
Hoop wrote: I'm tired of seeing our program get treated...bad.
Let's just see if we can get a good and legitimate reason behind the banning... Then we'll get peesd off and start throwin' words around
I'm going to be a good little cookie until then
If I don't get a response by next Wed., whether it be via the forum, e-mail (by the way, mine is godofthemind@gmail.com), or USPS I'll have no regard for what I say about whatever
Did they lock it out of the dorms, too? I would hope that they would respect that private domain as your personal space.
This is probably best. While we may feel this forum is harmless, I'm sure that the powers that be had some problems with it. I have in the past mentioned a couple of things I wanted removed because I thought they would be deemed inappropriate. This forum is for the team. I found it a useful tool that provides social atmosphere as well as entertainment to the team. However, someone just popping in time to time could misconstrue the forum's purpose.
I would rather someone vent here than say it hold it in or say it behind our backs. Its healthy to have different ideas and share them. Also, if there's a problem within the team, it shows up on the forum. One of the first indications that Box had a problem in his camp was a mass negative thread that resulted in that forum being closed. However, closing that board didn't solve the problems, it inflamed them. I think if Box would have reacted differently and listen to what the team was saying, he may still be here.
Open discussion is always a useful tool as long as each member of the team is on the same page. We are a large group and have many diverse interests, but all of us want the program to be a success. I think many here complain about the school as employee would about their boss.
Most of us have issues with some of the "nuances" of the university, but I bet most are still happy they made the choice to come here. I this is a special team, and Lindenwood is a special place. Being as freakin' old as I am, its easy to see what has happened here and compare it to other life experiences. I think most of won't appreciate this until later in your lives. Then you will consider it a very special time.
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."
To the dorm thing.. no they didn't lock us out I know that was a sarcastic question but the funny thing is they can barge into our personal space whenever. A couple of times I've been in here and the door is locked and my RD just barges in and starts going through my stuff because someones computer was stolen.. Or whatever other reason they can find..