I only saw 3 of the women named to the A team practicing last night. We only have 3 weeks. Phil has only 2 more Thursday practices left. I want everyone there. Jes and Kristen, that means you too (btw, I feel like crap. Jaegerbombs suck!!)
p.s. My shirt smells funny
-- Edited by footpba at 15:11, 2006-03-03
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."
Why bother even going if they don't care? I'd just take the men; at least they act like they want to go...even if they'll be whacked by "lesser" teams.
yeah, cause the guys always show up to practice.....don't judge current team on past teams. Sometimes not everyone can come to practice at 10 on a Thursday, especially with 2 jobs and classes.
I'm planning on attending the next practices before sectionals...omg no way....so let's make them actually productive....that way I get a real practice, not wasting my time, and people don't bitch....kbye.
I always try to have something productive planned for Thursdays...but, sometimes I have to modify things at the last minute due to lane availability, movie premiers, etc...
I know everyone has quite a bit on their plate, so I'll restate what I promised at the beginning...I'll have you out of there by 1130p...1145p at the latest, regardless of when we start...Hopefully it won't take 30 minutes to oil lanes and we'll get started before 1050p, but I can't control lane breakdowns and the length of the leagues ahead of us. As always, we'll do our best.
I'm only requesting 75-90 minutes for a formal ladies practice once a week through April 20th (hopefully)... That's only six more Thursdays for this season. If you absolutely can't make it, please call me with as much notice as possible so I can adjust what I have planned for your absence. If everyone can be there no later than 1015p this week, we can have a quick chat at the beginning so we're ready to go when the lanes are...
Oh...I've been researching Bobby Knight...these next couple weeks will be fun!
Melie Mel wrote: Aww come on Hoop! We weren't that bad at the Hoosier were we?
Honestly??? Nah not really. I couldn't complain. It was probably the best weekend I had in four years here at this school bowling trip-wise.....and no it had nothing to do with who was bowling next to us or against us LOL
I only judge this years team by what I see this year...and if you're too busy to practice then you're too busy to bowl. (This goes for the men, too.)
Today, I saw Ashcan and Amy practicing, along with the usual suspects (E, Dre, Farish, Sauce, Lynn, Council, Dole, Shadow.) I'm at the lanes 8 hours a day, folks. I know when you're bull****ting me. Don't whine about working two jobs and having to go to class (and raising a new puppy). Randy is giving you FREE bowling ANYTIME lanes are available; take advantage of it. Those that do get better; those that don't...
ok well everyone is entitled to their own opinion I suppose.
About practicing, I never said I was a "regular" so no bull**** here.
As far as last Thursday's practice. It is over and I am sad to say I can't attend it. Sorry I couldn't "lace up" and join the rest of the females in throwing the ball for 15 minutes. (so I heard) At least one of the girls was there because of me. At least of not a total waste of contribution.
I'm not whining just telling you straight up. Sorry if you do not agree. My coach directed a general question to the females in the bowling program and I answered.
Phil, if I'm not performing up to par you are more then welcome to make me score bitch. I'm a team player like that. Usually before anyone even thinks of pulling me, I pull myself. Cause I don't care about how the team does or anything right?
BTW, yes I know you are trying to make the best of the time you can sacrifice to coaching this team Phil. For that I am grateful. You do try and make it fun and a challange at the same time to benefit the team. Just trying to say maybe we should step it up a knotch because sectionals are coming.
Hey i was there today too and i think im a usual. Im normally there at least three times a week.
Sorry...I forgot about you and Sparky. See, I'm raising the neighbor's puppy...(little sh!t was in my kitchen again this morning; he's learned how to climb the fence.)
BTW, I don't really care about the Thursday night Mo Bap practice...I'm talking about working on your game during the day. There are practice regimens in the little handout you were given at the beginning of the season; even a 30 minute practice can be beneficial if you do it right. (And, sorry Randall, but I'm one that doesn't believe that league is practice...)
If you are at the lanes before noon or after 9pm and I don't see you, then naturally this doesn't apply to you. But don't get into the trap of thinking you don't need to practice; the teams that DO practice will beat you. Hard work can beat lazy talent.
I'm not making excuses for myself but these past two weeks I have had a lot on my plate and no I have not practiced as much as I did before, so forgive for having to work and do projects for class. Before this pasted two weeks I would practice 3 to 4 times a week hopefully things will slow down and I can practice a lot more again, but right now it's mid-terms as most of you know and a lot of my classes have a mid-term and a project due.
Yes this past Thursday I didn't practice b/c I wanted to go back and go to bed and it may sound dumb but I needed it I spent 12 hours at an elem. school the next day and the sleep really helped b/c I was wiped at the end of the day.
To whoever it my concern that was only my 3rd or 4th thursday practice all year I missed I don't think thats bad at all.
Phil, Halwe,and Randy you have all helped me and I would like to thank you so much for your time and help. All of you are doing a great job and thanks for your time.
I agree with Lizzy's comments...You all know me pretty well...I'm one of the more easy-going people in the world...maybe too much (and I totally understand how full everyone's plate is...afterall, I have a plate too!), but it's time to step it up with Sectionals coming...enough said...