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Post Info TOPIC: Nicknames

So L33T It Hurts

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I'm gonna need hardcore help, peeps

Who on the team currently has a legit nickname that's been used for a decent amount of time and has stuck?

Last names and initials do not apply

Your job is to post them


Scott Lavy - Shadow

Adam Mussman - Applesauce

Jason Collins - Princess

Brian Catnazaro - Big Cat

Chad - Wick, Chadles, Foofy, Snapper, Dave's Brother

I'm tired and lazy so everybody else do their part and do this now or I don't kill Levin for you as a favor the Lithuanian mobsters from whom I stole the precious "Diablo Diamond" that was worth at least as much as the hair from the big boy region of the Big Boy burger chain's enormous mascot the Big Boy that stands outside of each establishment flaunting his tiz-ight pants that are talor made by the little chinese kids working in sweat shops that are privately owned and operated by Big Bird that plays on Sesame Street which coincidently is where I once killed a man for looking too far back into his head so he could find the secret which was tatooed there by Shadow's avatar after he was awared the center square on Hollywood Squares for his award winning role as "Lovey Dovey Monkey Biter" in the famous porno "That Thing Eats and Fucks Everything" which aired on PBS last night around the same time that Levin farted

I think I just swallowed a battery.



Over The Hill

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Posts: 51

Hey, does this apply to me?  I know that my current nickname has caused controversity with one bowler.

We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of the dreams. - Willy Wonka

Obsessive Posting Disorder

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Only one that has stuck for a significant amount of time is Lizzy.  The second longest would be "stinky" (I'm really not) or "Lizzle" :o) Others could be :Tower, Twig, Twiglet, Legs, Amazon, Gentle Giant, Horse, Tall-E, Twigenator, Lizzle, Liz, Lizard

Need more...I got a list somewhere.



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mine would have to be ashcan...aimes just started it one day last year and well it just stuck!

i have no idea why though


Over The Hill

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Posts: 59

Cat wrote:

Hey, does this apply to me?  I know that my current nickname has caused controversity with one bowler.

Hey... I already gave you the chance to come up with another nickname. Got one yet?

"Changing bowling balls is like peeing your pants in the cold. The warm feeling you have at first will eventually be overcome with an even chillier stink."

Posting Guru

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I do not count because it's my last name shortened

Hoop When will all the rhetorical questions end?

So L33T It Hurts

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Posts: 1153

Might I suggest some of the following name generators:

Goddamn Ghetto Shiznit Name Generator

Pimp Name Generator

This one has a bad word in the link name, so you have to do it manually: - If you add a t after bi and before ch you'll get there okay

Louis Farrakhan's African Name Generator

Those should help


So L33T It Hurts

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Jlo, I tried those sites.  My new nicknames are;

Rock Hard Teapot

Bishop Don Randy Rockefeller,

and my favorite, Buckwheat!

Thanks, I feel like a new man.

Rockhard Bishop Don Rockefeller Buckwheat Teapot Randall (just rolls off your tongue, doesn't it)


"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."



Over The Hill

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Posts: 51

Randell, that is really funny. I did the same thing, and none of them really stuck with me either.  Although, there were some funny ones.

We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of the dreams. - Willy Wonka

Obsessive Posting Disorder

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Date: a city person

what the hell is it gonna come up with for me?


Obsessive Posting Disorder

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Master Fly Clements Slick


Posting Guru

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Ok here go my names from those sites

Doctor Kool
Pimp Daddy T. Kicks

Hoop When will all the rhetorical questions end?

So L33T It Hurts

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Ass Machine Lobos

Fine Ass J. Dogg

Goo Gobbler (from the Prison B*tch Name Generator that nobody used)


Suck on those, bizzles


Posting Guru

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Ass Machine Kwafi

Magic Tickle. D. Luthor


Skin Flautist


Daniel Farish - 2009 Graduate

I did a thing once.


So L33T It Hurts

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Stim-U-L8 Dawg

Reverend P. Fresh


Actually...the nickname that's stuck the longest is PhilMark because of my former dual radio identity!


Obsessive Posting Disorder

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Jim Shizzlemah (sucks)

Malcom J

and Pimpified

Golden Brown Jim Slither

Pimptastic J. Clinton

President J. Quick

Bishop Don J. Large

"one skin, two skin, three skin, four sk.."

Over The Hill

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This is what I got:

Stim-U-L8 Kool

J Lynn

Hi... I'm a N00B

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Well bdub has been with me forever. Not sure why... But its cool enuff for me to get it tatted on my back...

But my pimp name is stealth maestro brandon trump.

And pickle dick


Obsessive Posting Disorder

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Recently some person who shall remain nameless (*cough* Chase *cough*) gave me the nickname of "pumpernickel" and I was supposed to find out what the hell it here ya go.


Over The Hill

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Posts: 51

Didn't my nickname come up as a issue before?  I thought that you all were going to pick one for me?  Yeah, I know I had one, but the few of us that knew the basis of that nickname decided that it could no longer stay around.  I was thinking about this topic the other day, and remembered a nickname that hasn't been used in years.  It was given to me by my uncle and since he was removed from my family (divorce) it hasn't been used.  It really explains my likeness of one of the 69 Boyz songs.  He used to call me Tootsie Roll.  If you all (Big Cat) really want me to use a different one, I guess that I could use this one, or like previously stated you guys can think up a new one.

We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of the dreams. - Willy Wonka

Over The Hill

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Posts: 59

I already picked one for you: Tabitha.

The members of the board have already ok'd it.

I'll see you on Judge Joe Brown.

-- Edited by TheBigSnatch at 17:35, 2005-11-15

"Changing bowling balls is like peeing your pants in the cold. The warm feeling you have at first will eventually be overcome with an even chillier stink."

Over The Hill

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Posts: 51

Big Cat, I'm sorry, but I can't accpet that nickname.  I used to work with a Tabitha, and her and I didn't get along.  So, looks like you need to come up with another one.  And who is this board anyway?!?

We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of the dreams. - Willy Wonka

Protect & Serve

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i am the board

"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert

So L33T It Hurts

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Posts: 1153

C'mon, Tabitha
Get w/ the program
FJ owns/operates/pleasures/maintenincizes the board of which your on
So technically he keeps you up and running, Tabitha
You know what they say about thou which doesn't appreciate the board on which they are on...They turn into Levin
So in the end, Tabitha, it is your sole responsibility to not become him

Tabitha 4 Life


-- Edited by J Lowe at 15:36, 2005-11-16


Posting Guru

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Oh let bygones be bygones...forget your bad experiences in the past with all Tabithas and graciously accept your new name. Then we all shall live happily ever after....except Levin.

Hoop When will all the rhetorical questions end?

Over The Hill

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Posts: 51

But I don't like that name!!!!

We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of the dreams. - Willy Wonka

So L33T It Hurts

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Posts: 1153

Tabitha is a wonderful name, Tabitha
The name Tabitha could beat up Mike Tyson in his prime
The name Tabitha could make Jenna Jameson scream out in actual pain even though her vagina is like as big as the Spellman Center
The name Tabitha knows only slightly less about football than Big Cat
The name Tabitha can loft the ball twice as far as Valenta
The name Tabitha has 4 times as much porn as Shadow and Ridilla combined
The name Tabitha beat Jesus at water polo
The name Tabitha schooled Michael Jordan at hoops
The name Tabitha could make Halwe immortal
The name Tabitha takes shi+s that smell like boston creme rolls
Embrace your new name
Remember Catherine, nobody is better than you

Bestest smiley transition award goes to me


Posting Guru

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J Lowe wrote:

The name Tabitha could make Halwe immortal...

Immortal? Or immoral?...

I like the name Tabitha...Carol's daughter's name is Tabitha.  It reminds me of a young witch (the show "Bewitched"...before all y'alls time)



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Tabitha is ur new name just get use to it

You can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bull's a** but wouldn't you rather take the butcher's word on it.

Obsessive Posting Disorder

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Posts: 744

I think that Tabitha is one of the worst names on the planet.  Lafawndah is way better.  Shanaynay is up there. not so grand. 

BTW I get a new nephew in April.  His name is going to be Daniel Joseph Clements.  Can't wait.

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