Hi! Don't stress out over your GRE...it's just another standardized test and it's not that hard. Besides, if I can get a 2200 on it, you should do better!
thanks...you're probably right...the only reason why i'm a little stressed over it is because it IS just a standardized test......my track record with standardized tests isn't all that good....but i've been reading though one of those GRE prep books n stuff in the hopes i can learn to play their game the right way to score decent on it.
oh yeah...and just incase you were wondering when it is....its a little under two weeks away.... October 4th for my general exam....Nov 12 for my subject exam.
yeah, i'm not so worried about the subject exam because i got one of those prep books as well...and so much of it looks familar to me...plus for me its easier to study for that than it is to study for the general test..oh well....i have a full month to prepare for the subject exam after i take the general.