Just wondering if you need anything for the baby Papa Lowe? I'm willing to help ya out and probably others on the team as well who know you are a good person.
Also, anyone have these books? Ecology, GIS, Evolution, Photography Need them probablies......thnx
jlowe what day are you moving in/what day shall i expect seeing you first? and how many times are you actually gonna stay there? lol ...i know its gonna be hard on you goin to school & playin daddy.
see you all saturday/sunday/monday
ps i made a new AIM name in tribute to my awesome facial hair - "BEARDEDxHATE" (trust me, my beards kickin) i still have my old ones too
k bye ¢H4$3
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert