I'm leaving tomorrow morning (Monday) for home. I just wanted to tell everyone how much I appreciate everything that everyone has done for me. None of you will be forgotten. Also, I will try to make it out here to visit here and there. Many of you have my cell number and you all have my e-mail address(es) so keep in touch. For those of you that for some reason have misplaced my e-mail addresses...here they are again: panekattack@gmail.com and psychout@hotmail.com
I will of course do my best to stay in touch with each of you.
I am totally glad that I had the opportunity to get to know you better this year.
I've learned a bunch from you and I hope I didn't make you too much more stupiderer.
You're intelligent, funny, and extremely caring for everybody around you (with the exception of obese girls w/ super tight clothes and posers who probably don't <3 New York as much as their shirt would lead you to believe).
For all that and more you will be missed.
If you don't stay in touch I'll be forced to send you kayre packajizz that tick and are triggered upon opening.
See ya Timmy have a safe trip home. That goes for everyone else as well. Take care and have a great summer (and for the graduating seniors) a wonderful life.....