If'n some of you want me to haul your equipment down to Springfield...better have it in the pro shop by 7pm Thursday; I won't be open Friday (have a Columbia bitch sessio....seminar to attend.)
BTW, who's going to massage my legs Saturday night so I can be ready for Sunday? (Sorry Shads, not you...)
just to elaborate, though it really isn't necessary since i've already told this to the people who might read it here. We're gonna try to be at hotel by 2 p.m. (website says it starts at 3 so 2 should be good) since its on hanke's card we would need ot check in with him there i would think.
that would leave time for lunch and be to bowl by 3. i know where it is so anyone who doesnt like maps can follow, though its simple enough boxerman might not even miss it.
For people riding with me, the Krumbly Burger jaunt is gonna put us at 4 hours, and I'm leaving here @ 9:30 Sat morning