I was asked today by Bo Shipley, the tournament director for the Hoosier, that we not take a second team. It seems the tournament is full and there are some schools that are locked out. I felt it was only fair that we not send a 2nd womens team so another schools A team would get a chance to play.
"Hi folks,
As you know the field of 80 is full for the Hoosier, I have a waiting list of teams that would like to come to the tournament and have told them that I would contact the teams that have multiple entries (which are your teams) to see if you might back out of 1 of your entries to make room for them. If you are interested in doing so please contact me as soon as possible in fact please contact me either way to let me know your thoughts on this matter.
Thank you in advance,
Bo Shipley"
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."