Why do people think my threads are pointless? Why I am continuing to post if people don't care that I do? Why do I join a website community thing and no one cares that I do? (Recent mistake was myspace) Why did I risk my life to come home only to listen to people play Nascar Thunder? Why the hell do I have to relocate and sleep on a floor? grrrr....I'm really ****ed at the moment and have no other forum to bitch to...call me an attention whore all you want...doesn't change anything except my anger level at your direction.
But as far as your anger goes, I would really like to see you direct it at somebody and allow it to grow exponentially until you end up crushing their skill with your allmighty chin...
Twigenator, take a deep breath, actualy place your mouth over the end of the (water) pipe, then take a deep breath, hold it as long as humanly possible, then a bit longer, let it go. then get some twinkies, brownies or other munchies and realx. i am sure if you realy need a place to say we can find better. you are not worthless, we like you!
That is what I was thinking...but thanks for the support guys..I do feel alittle better and thanks but no thanks to the bong comment, I do not smoke....at all.
Originally posted by: J Lowe "I'll bet you didn't know that Suzy smokes a pack and a half a day... It's true... Suzy's lungs are as black as my sister..."
Just wanted to say I don't smoke and I have no idea where jlowe is getting this from!