Tonight Ryan, Cody, Nate, The Kid, Daniel and myself made the jog to the river and back. It started off with myself doing it and gradually got ryan and farish into it but tonight we got 3 new runners and I was pretty excited about it. I am sure they will be sore tomorrow but I think it will benefit them in the long run.
I just wanted to let everybody know that every Tuesday at 10 we will be making the jog. It is roughly 3.5 miles and we do stop at the river park for stretching and water before we go back up the hill. I will be trying to do it 2-4 times a week and always at night so if you want a partner let me know in this thread and I will head out there with you.
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
i hate least this time i got picked to go pun intended ha ha ha but yeah, the more the merrier. and we don't all have to stay the same pace. everyone can run their own pace, as long as its doubles. the last thing we need is someone to get hurt or lost, raped or murdered....yeah yeah yeah worst case scenario, but, its just safer.
there will always be two groups...the faster ones and slower shame in being in either or. if u dont think u can make it, dont be ashamed. you can always take ur time and go with the slower crew...all i ask is that u try before saying "I cant do it" or some other lame excuse. GET OUTTA the house and come with us. its not just painful exercise. its a fun bonding experience to get closer to ur team. team builder. and the second thing i ask is progression. if u walk a little bit the first time, so be it. but the second time, walk a little less and go a little further before stopping. just keep pushing. i hope the crowd keeps on growing.
p.s. if u got excuses, keep them to yourselves. I think the majority of the runners so far will tell u that the run is mostly mental. I understand physical limits, but there is a time to take ur panties off and man up. (no pun on the girls team cause im sure there are a couple of u that can run circles around us).
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"
thought i would bump this. We are runnign around 10-1015ish tonight. Its more then just a jog for exercise. Its mental exercise if anything. I think Farish, Council, and myself prob were able to make it strong this last weekend because of pike street. So come on out. I live at 725 st. charles ave
Was pretty happy to see 3 new guys out there. I think ultimately that the hills should build your legs more and more each time and when you are in game 24 of baker matches you will still be fine. Hope to see even more next week. Good run!
woot! Tonight we had 7 kids and all 7 made it down to the hill and back. I think everybody who is making it out here is goign to say they are happy they do come out here. Individually I dont think that many of us could make it there and back but since we are out there as a team we get it done every week.I think next week we are gonna stretch out so that we go all the way down the path at the park instead of stopping at the fountain. Hope to see more next week!
MASSIVE kudos for Kody for going all the way down and back without stopping once...NOT even at the bottom to re-stretch. good stuff...another goal for people to shoot for.
"If hard work pays off then easy work is worthless My work habit ain't no habit man, I do it on purpose I push myself to the limit so my talent'll surface"