...I had an MRI of my brain done this afternoon...and I actually have one!
Doc thinks I might have a leaker from my last stroke. I've been having hallucinations and panic attacks, and it's getting difficult to see, so I'm getting it checked out. I have nightmares, too...but they're just of Scrivy shooting 10-pins so I can handle those.:lol: (The scent hallucinations are strange, though; it smells like I'm drilling a Black Widow.)
and mike, just so you know, i didnt give jew your #, he STOLE It. lamey bastard. tis the reasoning for the numerous calls u may get about newly plugged POS's that he shoots 300 with.
Gee...the MRI shows I've had at least one stroke. Duh. Now I get to have an EEG Thursday. I guess they proved I have a brain, now they want to see if it works...
Good luck, Michael. One good thing that might happen is you may have less strokes now you are out of the bowling business. Everyone alway said this industry causes brain damage.
"It's not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines us."