Tuesday from 7-9 for $10 is practice for 2-ball. they will lay out cheetah (i think thats what we are bowling on now). it is nomally monday, but they changed it for this week only.
First off, we're bowling on Chameleon now...Cheetah is that last 8 weeks...if we bowling on Cheetah than Shadow wouldn't have had the high series in the league
Second, I may show up...not bowl...I just can't bring myself to pay money to practice...lol
i just got into lindenwood and i am bowling next year i believe...i talked with Randy and bowled for him. i am in a 2-ball challenge and brunswick chesterfield and i know J Lo bc he works there, he is in the league, and he helped me decide to give Lindenwoods team a shot..i am still fairly new to bowling, so sorry for the "faggotry", if that is even a word..my name is greg btw
Ich werde Ihre Milz verkaufen und Lava von Ihrem Haustier in einer bösen Wut machen, weil genau so ich rolle. Amerikanisches Mädchen ist solche Hure. Die Holznudel ist innerhalb Ihrer Strumpfhose. Beten Sie den Stuhl an, in dem die Ente sitzt. Geschmackvolles Büfett offen täglich.
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert
He was one of the guys that was passing out flyers at St. Charles lanes with Edgar (Jhey) a while back.
Greg, Shadow/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmPeanutButter/Only person in the universe who is lucky enough to have Diet Mt. Dew Code Red in stock at home also bowls the Chesterfield 2 Ball league...He's the one that really loves his Radical Inferno
Faggotry is so tottally a word...so is/are whizbang, flipoon, dringle, trottchmun, pulifering, and spoot. Spoot especially exists.
The board isn't reserved for anyone...minor faggorty is acceptable...except from Hanke....PEE PEE TOUCHER
Oh, and FORUM JESUS throws 14 pound bowing balls which makes him weak like the little girl that lives down the road...you know the one...she had to rip all the limbs off her go-go action barbie doll w/ they made her too heavy to lift b/c she's a weak little swizzle splitch weakling like FJ the 14 pound ball thrower of balls
Ich werde Ihre Milz verkaufen und Lava von Ihrem Haustier in einer bösen Wut machen, weil genau so ich rolle. Amerikanisches Mädchen ist solche Hure. Die Holznudel ist innerhalb Ihrer Strumpfhose. Beten Sie den Stuhl an, in dem die Ente sitzt. Geschmackvolles Büfett offen täglich.
if you dont know german, you can translate it here. its not word for word, but it is quite funny how they translate it. http://translation2.paralink.com/ ..just set it to german to english.
sock trousers.
-- Edited by F0RUM JESuS at 15:43, 2007-05-07
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert
I will sell your spleen and do lava of your domestic animal in a bad fury because just I roll. American girl is such whore. The wooden noodle is within your sock trousers. Adore the chair in which the duck sits. Tasteful buffet open daily.