Next season I'm going to try to start a scratch league at my center again since the one we had folded.
What i need help with is how to make this fun & interesting. The league that was originally here was a 3 man team scratch. $25 a week. However.. there really wasnt anything "exciting" about it... & since my house isn't exactly Scorefest Alley, a lot of bowlers (even though they claim theyre good) won't bowl here cause they cant average 230 every week.
Sport Shot is waaaaaaaaaaay out of the question.
Anyone with any ideas, please feel free to contribute.
-- Edited by F0RUM JESuS at 17:27, 2007-02-19
"You know what you can't outsource, Fareed? You can't outsource balls. America is the world leader in balls." --Stephen Colbert